Wednesday, July 31, 2019

International HRM

International HARM International HRS management refers to an extension of HRS that relates to having people working overseas. HRS professionals are going to have to consider how to best provide policies, practices and services to a diverse set of employees located in potentially very different locations and operating environments.The differences between IHRAM and HARM involve: involves working with an organizational structure that is more complex there are a greater number of more diverse stakeholders groups to take account of there is a rater Involvement In people's private lives because of the expatriation element Diversity Is necessary In terms of management style greater number of external influences and risks to understand and manage Regardless of the type of organization, policies, practices and HRS systems must be compatible and effective across the world, and need to balance the needs, wants and desires of all the various groups of employees, whilst remaining cost- effective. It should take Into account the following. Range of Manpower approaches: Ethnocentric: WHQL management dispatched, Polytechnic: Local management; global; Right Person in right job. The International Dimension: Contextual impact of Globalization; International effectiveness of Organizations and the global nature of Labor Markets. Cultural Orientations: Nationality Is important in HARM because of its effect on human behaviors and the consequent constraints on management action. Understanding cultural diversity Is crucial to managing an international organization effectively.Hefted defines 4 distinguishing factors of national culture: Individualism: Power Distance: uncertainty, avoidance and masculinity: Time Orientation: Hypotheses work is interesting in that it demonstrates that cultures among a people remains persistently divergent despite convergence in areas such as technology and economic systems. Trampers is a researcher who has looked at different dimensions of cultures. GLOBE Examines practices and values at industrial organization and societal level. National Business Systems Institutional variation Is another major determinant of differences between the prevalent approaches to HARM found In different countries. A widely advanced view Is hat the following factors have a major influence on how HRS is practiced on a day-to- day basis.Local Laws Enforcement Mechanisms Government and Policy Making Collective Bargaining Labor Markets National Training Policy/Agencies Pension Arrangement Social Security Systems Marathoner et al 2010, highlights the need for the recognition of diversity, culture and national business systems which can be achieved through: Strategic management of corporate Identify, vision, mission and values Line managers need to mange the Capture the benefits of diversity, leverage tacit knowledge Acknowledge local market knowledge Apply best practice across the group with global programs Cross cultural management development is critical. Em ployees working internationally need to be able to work effectively in the country and culture where they are placed. This requires any potential assignee to have a high level of self-awareness of their own assumptions and sensitivities. To operate effectively their must examine their own culture and understand how this will impact on their Judgments and their perceptions of the behaviors of others from different cultural backgrounds.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Traumatic Brain Injury (Tbi)

ABSTRACT Many disabilities can affect people of all ages. Some can be genetic, some can happen to you through accidents, but at the same time, all of them require an understanding of the basic reason behind the problem in order to help those affected by it. As a student I want to share my experiences by doing an experiment, on having Traumatic brain injury (TBI), due to a loss of balance during walking. The experiment will discuss the impact of my simulated disability in my home, school, work and other areas of society or community participation, the development of therapeutic relationships, and the impact on meaningful occupations. Loss of memory and poor concentration reduce the ability to live a normal life. Cognitive deficits after a traumatic brain injury can result in significant functional limitations in all areas of daily living. An individual's ability to simplify learning may be limited, thus making it harder to live independently in the community. There are many different cognitive and physiological disabilities that can affect an individual life and their performance. One of the disabilities that I want to talk about is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The Lenrow, M. D. , David, Joanne Finegan, and Stewart L Cohen. 2001) Website explains, â€Å"Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. The impact on a person and his or her family can be devastating†. Head injuries are a serious problem. Whenever you are dealing with the brain, you want to take everything about the injury very seriously. Since our brain identifies who we are, the consequen ces of a brain injury can affect all aspects of our lives, or even including our personality. An injury in these areas limits the use of a specific part of your body, but your personality and mental abilities remain unaffected. Injuring the brain has different effects on people because it depends on the brain part that was injured. This determines the form of recovery treatment that is necessary for the brain to return to its normal operating condition. A traumatic brain injury is a disability that comes from an injury to the brain. This includes the brain stem that will result in impaired cognitive, physical, or emotional functioning. If there is mild loss of consciousness or disorientation that lasts less than 30 minutes, the injury to the brain s considered mild. Memory or consciousness loss for more than 30 minutes makes a similar injury severe. The same word is used to define an injury where there has been skull penetration and memory loss of 24 hours. Individuals can be left in long-term unresponsive states, and even a small change in brain function can affect a person and their family, job, and social and community interactions. In this case, I want to discus the impact from falling on the floor and hitting my head, which was due to loosing balance while walking. Let me take you back to the day my life changed by a small accident. As I was getting up in the morning, I was tiered and could not open my eyes. As I was getting up from bed I didn’t pay any attention to where I was going and tripped on an object on the floor. As I feel, I bang my head against a wooden filing cabinet and my husband found me on the floor five minutes later on the floor. I was confused, lightheaded, dizzy, with blurred vision, ringing in my ears, and bad taste in my mouth. I did not know where I was, and what was going on. My husband help me get up and help me to made my way through the living room, which was hard because it is so narrow that there is very little space between the couch on one side of the room and the chair on the other. I bumped into the chair, and it was no big deal. I sat in the chair in the kitchen, and I looked confused. Nothing made any sense, my head was pounding and I did not understand what was going on. I was able to recognize the people around me but I forgot how to use certain objects such as a spoon, fork, cup, and knife in order to feed my self. My husband was trying to help me but the look on his face was as if he was frustrated, he wasn’t use to this type of behavior because all his life he was use to me being able to do things for my self and the constant assistance was something new to him. As I was getting ready for school I couldn’t remember how to start the car, everything seemed fragmented and I had to ask a friend or family member to help take me to school. At that time the constant absence of information was starting to become annoying, things that I have been doing all of my life just came to a blank. When getting into school I had difficulty finding my class but was able to ask someone there. During study, it was difficult to focus on different tasks such as reading, listening to lecture or writing something down. According to WebAIM (1999), â€Å"Some individuals have difficulties understanding text. These difficulties may be mild or severe, ranging from minor challenges to a complete inability to read any text. It would be unreasonable to expect web developers to accommodate the entire range of reading abilities†. When going to work I had trouble working certain items such as programs on the computer or changing calls on the phone. As I was aiding the doctor I forgot what routines I had to do in order to prepare the patient and equipment. The Trilogy Integrate Resources Inc (2011) website point out that, â€Å"Individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury most typically experience problems in basic cognitive skills: sustaining attention, concentrating on tasks at hand, and remembering newly learned material. They may think slowly, speak slowly, and solve problems slowly. They may become confused easily when normal routines are changed or when the stimulation level from the environment exceeds their threshold†. Working environment can be effected in many levels, which can create unpleasant situations and uncomfortable dilemma for me. As a result, after injury, I with TBI may be unable to function well in their social roles because of difficulty in planning ahead, in keeping track of time, in coordinating complex events, in making decisions based on broad input, in adapting to changes in life, and in otherwise being the executive in one's own life. After all, even though I was pretend to have disability of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) for three hours it is very hard to deal with this kind of disabilities. Having people around you to care for you and help it is very challenging, and at the same time heart braking because if there is no one out there to help you, you are gone for good.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Teaching in Urban Districts

The main form of interaction that goes on in schools is between the teachers and the students. Some of the students are difficult or unruly and they present many difficulties for the teachers as the teachers cannot then organize the class and provide the level of quality education that they are capable of. Disruptive students require more attention from teachers and this stops teachers from giving adequate attention to the rest of the class. There are many behavioral problems with students, but there is no method of dealing with such students in United States. Even the solution that can be achieved through disciplinary action has to be determined by the local school board, and then those decisions will have to be implemented by the teachers and the principal. One of the methods through which this can be done is the student parent handbook which is distributed to the students for giving to parents. This may give details of actions that would be taken by the teachers and the principal of the school, if the student does not live up to the expectations of the school and in the class. Other schools even give full details of the punishment that the student may be given when there is any infraction by the student of the rules of the school. (Teachers' Relationships) At the same time, all punishments that are given are felt to be the responsibility of the teacher, by the student and the families of the students. This brings us to the next level as we have to determine the type of punishment that can be given to the students. The limits of this range from verbal warnings to in-school suspensions, and when the student crosses limits of behavior, then the general recommendation is an out of school suspension. At the same time, some students are repeat offenders, and their punishment increases with the number of times they have caused an offense. The system of punishing students and still retaining them in the same school has now been questioned by some educationists, who have suggested that alternative schools be set up for them. This will permit the ordinary schools on teaching of students who have a lot of desire to learn. Another group has suggested that punishments start earlier, from primary school, and the punishments should be clarified with a clear system. The problem is that the parents are not aware of all these systems of the school, as they only go through the written material that they receive from schools and even that in a cursory manner. These do not make them respond and thus the parents' point of view remains unknown. The parents meet and talk to the school authorities only during formal occasions like school open houses and teacher conferences, and at these occasions, most participants are reserved. It is possible for both teachers and parents to set up other meetings, but that action is taken only when the concerned student has problems regarding progress. Even during the process of their training, teachers do not receive much training regarding interaction with parents. As is well known, training for becoming teachers takes place in colleges of education based in universities. The individuals who want to become teachers join up courses for both academic learning as also for courses in education. The combination is expected to teach them both the methods of teaching as also the contents that they desire to teach the students. On joining up for the first time, the students are expected to undergo a period of teaching students. There are some individuals who feel that a teacher who is still in the learning process should be left alone with students, others take the view that it may be better if they are supported by an experienced teacher during the first few weeks of teaching that they undertake. (Teachers' Relationships) (1) The teacher also faces different challenges and those depend on the environment where they start teaching. Schools in urban areas are not individual schools, but are part of a large bureaucracy that is not able to act fast in response to the needs of the schools. These schools generally do not have many resources, and even the buildings are in poor condition in many cases. From outside the school, the environment within the school may be affected by gang activity, drug availability and usage on a large scale and there being a lack of community structure. Students who are coming to the school are burdened not only with educational requirements, but also carry the burden of poverty, hunger and poor housing. There is a feeling among the parents, teachers, principals and students that the school they are concerned with is something special and separate. This can be said to be the tone, climate or ethos of the school, and those seem to be related to all activities that are connected with the school. (NCREL Monograph: Building Collaborative Cultures) This is a unique quality, a special school culture. This has an effect on the way they act, on how they dress, or even what they are continuously talking about or what they will never talk of. It also determines whether they seek help from others or they do not seek help. This culture of the school is built up of different norms, values, beliefs and assumptions and rituals. These are built up over time as teachers, students, parents and administrators have worked together, or dealt with crises and developed their own unstated expectations for interactions and methods of working together. On the other side there are some schools which remain as isolated places for working and there the teachers are left alone. They work alone in their rooms, and have little interaction with their colleagues. They keep the problems that they face to themselves. When one sees these schools, the teachers are islands – they feel a gulf of separation from each other, seldom talk to other teachers, or share their points of view in terms of the profession or even solving their problems. (NCREL Monograph: Building Collaborative Cultures) The urban districts have schools which have had a much longer period of development than new schools which have come up in the suburban areas. This makes their cultural situation much more rigid, and any teacher has to adapt to them. After their graduation from college and getting the necessary qualifications required to become a teacher, most of the teachers still end up working in isolation. The teachers do not get enough time to work along with other teachers, and this is happening even now when there are a lot of efforts being made to get greater involvement of the teachers. There are new efforts to improve the general quality of individuals who join as teachers. The effort is through a compulsory renewal of certificates needed for teaching, creating programs where the teachers will all have mentors and general improvement of their salaries and working conditions. The process of improvement and this is through decisions taken at the school itself. It becomes the responsibility of the teachers in the schools to have a plan for improvement of the school. That will set up objectives for the school and give the teachers a greater say in the methods of running the school. It is possible to have new methods of instruction like teaching in teams, cooperative learning and individualized instruction through the use of computers. There are also other ways through which the performance of teachers can be evaluated. The implementation of these methods encourages the teachers to help their students achieve new state level standards that have been set up. (Teachers' Relationships) It is clear that schools where there is not enough satisfaction for the teachers will ultimately result in their leaving the school. It is not correct to say that low incentives are the main reason for their departure. In the city schools the teachers end up getting a salary less than they get in the schools of the suburbs, but that is not the main reason why they leave the school. There are many teachers who leave the school as they feel that they have not been getting enough support from the school administration. Within the school there are many intrusions during the time given for teaching in the class, there are a lot of problems of discipline of the students, and the teachers do not get a say as to how the school will be run. (Why Do High-Poverty Schools Have Difficulty Staffing Their Classrooms with Qualified Teachers? ) The degree of autonomy that is available to teachers in schools varies to a large extent. There are schools where the teachers have had the greatest role in development of the curricula and also helped the new teachers understand the curricula. On the other side, there are many schools where the teachers had to work with books that had been purchased and teach from them. There are a lot of differences within the teachers themselves which make the entire process even more difficult. A team of teachers from one district selected new mathematics and science curricula, but other teachers found that this curriculum of science was too difficult for the students. Teachers in another school were given a time of half a day for setting out the grade level objectives, but the teachers found the time to be too short and this was done only once. The teachers were not able to make plans that satisfied their desires. The involvement and satisfaction is different from school to school. The only matter that teachers seem to agree on is regarding their opinion of conditions which are suitable for teaching. The teachers are in favor of more flexible schedules, increase in resources for teaching and more assistance for teachers. There was also a difference in accountability and teachers in low income areas are generally ones to face the greatest demand for accountability and the greatest challenges. Certainly the level demanded from them was higher than was demanded from teachers in middle and high income areas. (2) We are facing a failure to ensure that classrooms in the country are filled with quality teachers, and this is more acute as the situation is the worst in disadvantaged schools. In general people say that the lack of teachers is the reason for this shortage. Why Do High-Poverty Schools Have Difficulty Staffing Their Classrooms with Qualified Teachers? ) The reasons for this shortage are ascribed to recent retirements of a large number of teachers and also due to a large increase in enrolment of students. This makes it even more difficult for schools in poor districts to get an adequate number of trained teachers. These school districts are in the urban areas and as a result of this shortage, these schools end up with a large number of under-qualified teachers. This lack of sufficient teachers is felt to be the main reason for the lack of proper education and building of careers of the students from these schools, and these students are in general from poor communities. All these factors are known to the authorities and they have tried to respond by the supply of an increase in the number of teachers to these schools. This has resulted in a lot of efforts to recruit new teachers in these schools, during the recent years. The greatest stress is on schools which are in disadvantaged settings. On further analysis of the data, it is seen that the staffing problems in these schools is not due to a lack of teachers, and what one is trying to say is that they are not suffering from a lack of adequately qualified teachers. The data clearly shows that the problems in staffing of the schools come from a ‘revolving door' that exists in these schools. This means that teachers join and then leave these schools within a short period, and the reason for their leaving the school is not retirement. The data shows that public schools in high poverty area, in urban communities leave about a fifth of their teachers every year! Why Do High-Poverty Schools Have Difficulty Staffing Their Classrooms with Qualified Teachers? ) These results show that the entire staff of the school could be lost within a very short period. The reason for the departure of these teachers is also in part due to the lack of involvement of the parents in the teaching process. Most of the residents in these areas are African American and Latino. The parents from these groups feel that the faculty in the local elementary school is biased against them. This is the reason that the parents state as being the cause for their non-participation in the school activities. Why Urban Parents Resist Involvement in their Children's Elementary Education) The parents clearly mention that they would work only with teachers who respect and value their children. This causes great difficulty for experienced teachers as they are aware of the value of the participation by parents. Help from the parents was thought to be essential for good education, and this was taken for granted by teachers. Teachers felt parents supported their efforts and expectations for education of children. Today the situation in the cities has changed due to different family arrangement and socio-cultural differences between the teachers and the students with their families. The differences between them arise as the students and their families suffer from poverty, racism, language and cultural differences. The parents feel that the system has been prepared for the education of children from middle class and white families. This is bound to happen as the family has to feel that they have an important role in the education of their children. When the parents are from the middle class, then the parents feel that they have a duty in assisting the school for education of their children. On the other hand when the family is from the low income group, then the parents feel that it is the responsibility of the school to educate children. The thoughts of the parents regarding their own responsibility also make the parents visit the school and participate in all activities of the school. Of course to an extent, it also depends on the attitude of the school and some schools make the parents feel comfortable and at home in the school. Teachers in the urban centers often are not aware of the ethnicities and culture of the students they teach, and they have to learn this to be able to reverse the resistance of the family to involvement with school education. In many cities there have been changes over the years. Many of the cities were dominated by industry earlier, but due to development, the industries are no longer functioning from those cities. With the close of the factories, there were closure of supporting activities like restaurants and department stores. The population of the cities also declined from 100,000 earlier to about 60,000 now. Why Urban Parents Resist Involvement in their Children's Elementary Education) While the population has dropped, there was a growth in different races in the city – African American and Latinos. The main school is located where the downtown area used to be. Within a range of one block are high rise public housing buildings which are home to four hundred families. Ninety-five percent of the children living there are from the two communities mentioned earlier. This means that the school will have to interact with these communities. The change in situation had led the city school district to have total integration of its elementary schools. Thus the elementary school serving the public housing building has now got all low-income and colored children. As a solution, the district had to send the children on a bus to the affluent elementary school situated on the hill which has a middle class neighborhood. (Why Urban Parents Resist Involvement in their Children's Elementary Education) The school may have better facilities, but will the parents like it? The number of teachers from the minorities is falling. In 1974, 12. 5% of all full time teachers were African American, and today the number is down to 11 percent. This makes it possible that some students complete school without coming in touch with a minority community teacher. The minorities certainly have better career choices now, but even in teaching they feel that get low salaries and occupational prestige. (Increasing Minority Participation in the Teaching Profession) Thus teaching as a profession is not being liked. (3) It is clear that teaching in urban areas is not liked as it considered difficult to teach there. The schools have wide racial diversity among the students, little supply of materials required to teach, high demands from the bureaucrats that have to be met, low involvement of the parents in the school, and finally, low salaries. These are the reasons why suburban schools find it easier to get teachers as they are able to provide more resources, greater flexibility in the areas of teaching, and finally, better pay. (Teachers' Relationships) The solution to the problem is not that city schools recruit more teachers, which they have to do as they do not have enough teachers now. They have to find ways and means to stop the teachers from leaving the profession. It is very important that the teacher's ability to employ positive behavior intervention and support in the classroom is taken up. When the teacher has defects in terms of skills, the results will appear in the poor results from students who are concerned with the teacher. (Strengthening Emotional Support Services) The schools have to make sure that all students are taught by qualified teachers and this is what makes them worry about retaining the teachers on their roles.

Vertigo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vertigo - Essay Example This model covers the stages of coming together and the stages of moving apart. Looking at the film vertigo, the model of rational development can get applied to explain the film further and the communications that occur in the movie. It talks about how the characters in the film come together and eventually how they split. Vertigo is an American psychological thriller film produced in the year 1958. The film brings together certain genres such as drama, romance, mystery & suspense. It involves around the police detective, John "Scottie" Ferguson who gets released from service due to his acrophobia and vertigo conditions (Hitchcock Film). He gets a lifeline when his close friend Gavin Elster, hires him to spy on her wife Madeleine. Strange events occur and in the end he falls in love with Madeleine. The film brings out several tragedies towards the end and perceptions about the characters change due to the strange decisions they make (Hitchcock Film). The film is regarded as one of the best films of all time. This study involves the use of Mark Knapps model of relational development to explain the types of communications that occur within the movie. The first stage of the model is initiating. Here, the persons meet and they engage in small communication. In this case, we look at how Gavin meets Scottie, they engage in communication and Gavin tells him of the assignment. This stage leads to the next which is the experimenting stage. Here, the person has several questions on his mind regarding the information he received. Scottie tries to understand what Gavin wants from him and whether he can deliver. The two are looking to find a common ground amongst them regarding Gavin’s proposal to find out Madeleine’s activities. It leads to the next stage that is the intensifying stage. Here, Scottie and Gavin become very close, and they are now on the same page regarding the assignment. The fourth stage that occurs is the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

O rubor sanguinis by Hildegarde of Bingen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

O rubor sanguinis by Hildegarde of Bingen - Essay Example This is   another   historical love masterpiece adapted from a poem written by the same artist. The song makes use of a number of artistic features of composition to create a rhythm to the song key among which include rhymes. The artist carefully selects words that sound similar in structuring the sentences in the song. The song is thus a composition of proses that are all rhythmic. This fuses seamlessly with the scanty beats of the time and even though the quality of production is low, the song remains a French masterpiece among lovers of music and history. Love is the oldest topic on which artists have composed lyrics and this old song attest to the same allusions (Langol, Lee, Thomas and Floyd 41).Ave Maria,† Josquin Desprez (France, 1455-1521) By the time of its production, many artists had taken to the trade and music was fast evolving. Josqui Desprez thus used a number of features in the song to ensure that it remained relevant to the society thousands of years after his death. The poor spelling and the different pronunciation of some of the French words portray just how old the song is. The song further employs the common features of the arts to develop rhymes and other forms of rhythms (Burgess 12). The artist uses beats sparingly which implies that the lyrics had an effective flow of rhythm. Furthermore, the artist had an advanced production skills and archiving tools, this retained the quality of his songs despite his long journeys throughout the European continent.   Pope Marcellus Mass,† Palestrina (Italy, 1525-1594)

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Analysis of the Strategic situation of ARM Holdings Essay

The Analysis of the Strategic situation of ARM Holdings - Essay Example he foremost suppliers of intellectual property (IP) semiconductors that possess a significant impact upon the advancement as well as the progression of digital electronic products. The company’s headquarter is located in Cambridge of United Kingdom and it has engaged more than 2000 people within their organisation. The company has its offices worldwide including its design centres especially in France, India, Sweden and the US (ARM Ltd., 2012). ARM Holdings was founded in the year 1990 and the profits of the company rapidly expanded over and above the total profits of the then semiconductor industry. The company sells over 800 processor licenses to in excess of 250 companies throughout the world with superior quality. Along with rapidly expanding in terms of profits within the overall semiconductor industry, ARM also has gained outstanding market share as compared to its other competitors (ARM Ltd., 2012). ARM Holdings mainly deals with outstanding products such as high-performance processors, system IP products, astonishing multimedia hardware products, extensive offering of physical IP products and software development instruments that are utilised in every phase of application development (ARM Ltd., 2012). In the paper, an overall analysis of the different business strategic circumstances especially of ARM Holdings will be taken into concern. Various aspects that include the application of Porter’s five forces model, value chain framework analyses of ARM Holdings along with Intel as comparison in order to evaluate their business models, suitable recommendations and an amassed conclusion will be portrayed in the discussion of this paper. ARM Holdings is essentially regarded as a part of semiconductor or microprocessor industry. The microprocessors are a kind of semiconductors. The semiconductors are the materials that generally conduct electricity and can be easily regulated acting as conductors and insulators. Presently, the semiconductor appliances are

Friday, July 26, 2019

Why is there Large Employee Turnover Rate at Wal-Mart Research Paper

Why is there Large Employee Turnover Rate at Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example Although the figures for employee turnover for Wal-Mart are not readily available there is a lot of information to indicate at the least that employees are not happy and that the turnover intent is high. In fact, the company has been faced with a number of law suits relating to sex discrimination and working overtime without pay. Wal-Mart is currently one of the most influential and respected company which is synonymous with that commanded by the manufacturing giants of the twentieth century Lichtenstein (2009). The company is in position number 15 on Forbes List as a Global 2000 Leading Company and as one of the World’s Biggest Public Company (Forbes 2013). This is based on sales, profit, assets and market value. In terms of sales Wal-Mart is in the number 1 position, 16th in profit, 135th in assets and 7th in terms of market value. On Forbes (2012) list of ‘The World’s Most Powerful Brands, Wal-Mart is in the 25th position and this makes it the world’s to p retailing company. ... The international segment is seen as the engine of growth for the company as Wal-Mart continues to expand internationally. The aim of this research is to determine the reason for the high employee turnover rate at Wal-Mart. The objectives of this study are to determine: i. Whether compensation at Wal-Mart may be a factor in relation to the high rates of turnover ii. Whether employees are satisfied with the level of communication with their supervisors iii. Whether employees are happy with their job functions Employee turnover is the movement of workers in the labor market between organizations and between different roles or occupation (Abassi et al 2000). Literature Review According to Linhartova (2011) Employee turnover is one of the problems relating to the management of human resources that never go away. Linhartova (2011) carried out two studies on the causes of employees disaffection and turnover. The study used 29 determinates to describe seven of the main factors that led to e mployee turnover – remuneration, certainty, relationships, recognition, communication, culture, and expectations. The factors were in a similar manner to studies done by other researcher (See John et al 2008; Gosling et al 2003; Benet-Martinez and John 1998). The results of the study indicate that all seven factors were strongly linked to job satisfaction. Firth L, David J Mellor, Kathleen A Moore, Claude Loquet (2007). How can managers reduce employee intention to quit?, J. manage. Psychol. 19 (2): 170-187. †¦ Strategies to minimize turnover Jain (2013) suggests that employee branding which is a relatively new concept n human resource management. This Jain (2013) indicates will allow the organization to choose and retain

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Character analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Character analysis - Essay Example â€Å"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you† (Martin, 56). The dialogue is from George R.R Martin’s series, A ‘Song of Ice and Fire’, spoken by Tyrion Lannister, one of the most fascinating characters who carry a remarkable astuteness and intricate personality in the book. Apparently, his words indicate the great hopes and strong self-esteem that he possessed despite being a dwarf and believed that his physical disability does not imply his inability to deliver in life. Through his moving and treasured way of speaking, Tyrion shows outstanding ability of prudence and intuition. â€Å"As the most grandest creation† of the author Tyrion’s ambitions vitalizes on his unique perspective and open the new page of history on the great performance of a dwarf in media. Commendably, Tyrion sojourns on to attest that indeed the adversaries linked to his dwarfism can be overcome ( Ben, 01). Moreover, to fully comprehend the complexity and uniqueness of the characteristics of Tyrion, one must discern his childhood background. As a â€Å"high born dwarf† in an extremely dignified and arrogant family who had controlled their governance over seven kingdoms, Tyrion was not a son with interminable elegance and fondness. On the contrary, he has been depicted as a â€Å"midget† or â€Å"imp† who has been made an outcast by other characters in his family (Abraham et al., 116). Among different reasons behind people’s hatred towards Tyrion includes the death of his mother while she was giving birth to him. Tyrion Lannister does not share a strong bond with his only sister named Cersei Lannister. Nevertheless, his brother Jamie Lannister has a lot of compassion for Tyrion for which he has helped him throughout the novel. Additionally, the community of the Lannisters immensely ostracized Tyrion because he was expected to be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical analysis of the potential challenges that newly qualified Essay

Critical analysis of the potential challenges that newly qualified children's nurse might face - Essay Example This implies that the nurses responsible for the nursing of children have greater stress and greater challenges to encounter as they have greater responsibilities. Enhancing the focus of the study in this context, it can be realized that children’s nurses who are newly qualified are encountered with greater number of challenges while they perform their roles of taking care of a small child. The initial years for the children’s nurses in their career have been observed to be under the influence of tremendous stress (Kirpal, 72). There are several conflicts in the minds of the newly qualified nurses when they enter an organization and start working. These conflicts are associated with the different values and cultures that the individual organizations follow, their disciplines, and the given responsibilities (Nash, Lemcke & Sacre, 49). A qualified nurse is expected to perform her responsibilities with professional expertise and involve leadership roles, maintenance of sta ndards, take decisions based on ethics and justice, consider responsibilities sincerely as well as convey lessons to others (Burton & Ormrod, 1-2). Out of the several challenges that the newly qualified children’s nurses might have to encounter, the present study would discuss on three primary issues related to time management, leadership activities, and accountability of the nurses. Thus the study focuses on the above mentioned three key issues and discusses the effects of these potential challenges on newly qualified children’s nurses, trying to provide with some probable recommendations as well. Newly Qualified Children’s Nurses: Nursing is a highly challenging job and requires significant competency among the qualified nurses (Duffy, Dresser & Fulton, 15). Once the nurses have completed their courses they are eligible to become registered nurses. Thereafter it is essential that these nurses are prepared to perform their roles efficiently. The environment in which they work, the nature and pressure of the work, the organization’s expectations from them, the understanding of the rules and disciplines of the health organization the nurses are associated with, managing the health of patients, the small children having severe diseases and getting associated with the work culture with due responsibility, are some of the factors that are highly significant and might require support for the newly qualified children’s nurses (Chung, Wong & Cheung, 410). As soon as a newly qualified nurse joins an organization, she is supposed to take few weeks before she has all the responsibilities to be performed by her. These roles include following other nurses to understand the performing arts, undertaking responsibilities of patients, and incorporating the basic roles in their work like proper communication, hygiene, maintaining privacy and decorum, managing stress, safety, proper nutrition and suitable environment of patients (Hole, 24-26). Thus it can be realized that newly qualified nurses have greater responsibilities not only in terms of performing, but as well as in learning and becoming expert in the field of their roles and duties. This is turn can be understood to create potential challenges, as discussed later in the report, that are required to managed efficiently by the nurses to overcome all barriers and gain success in their achievements.

Problems in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Problems in Criminal Justice - Essay Example Policing is a hazardous and pressurizing job that involves risk of personal safety and even life to the police officers. In comparison, the remuneration they receive is meager. Corporate executives, who are in a position to enjoy a much relaxing lifestyle, earn much more than police officers, who are duty bound for 24/7. This is especially so in view of the escalating problem of international terrorism. This factor may cause resentment in the police officers and entail a lack of motivation in them. Besides, criminals and terrorists have access to latest technology and modern weaponry, while most police forces are using outdated technology and weapons. This reduces their operational efficiency apart from having a demoralizing effect on them. In order to overcome this problem, the government must review the pay package of the police forces and upgrade it to conform to the inherent risks of the job. Additionally, police forces also need to be provided with latest technology and weaponry. Problems for Courts: The main problem of courts is the difficulty due to â€Å"inadequate legal representation† for the accused persons during trials (466). Besides, a general trend exists that public prosecutors tend to be less experienced than counselors being hired by wealthy defendants. Thus, on the one hand, accused individuals who hail from a poor background do not receive adequate or timely legal representation.... Besides, they also must be provided with latest technological support to monitor, investigate and process criminal cases. Policing is a hazardous and pressurizing job that involves risk of personal safety and even life to the police officers. In comparison, the remuneration they receive is meager. Corporate executives, who are in a position to enjoy a much relaxing lifestyle, earn much more than police officers, who are duty bound for 24/7. This is especially so in view of the escalating problem of international terrorism. This factor may cause resentment in the police officers and entail a lack of motivation in them. Besides, criminals and terrorists have access to latest technology and modern weaponry, while most police forces are using outdated technology and weapons. This reduces their operational efficiency apart from having a demoralizing effect on them. In order to overcome this problem, the government must review the pay package of the police forces and upgrade it to conform to the inherent risks of the job. Additionally, police forces also need to be provided with latest technology and weaponry. Problems for Courts: The main problem of courts is the difficulty due to â€Å"inadequate legal representation† for the accused persons during trials (466). Besides, a general trend exists that public prosecutors tend to be less experienced than counselors being hired by wealthy defendants. Thus, on the one hand, accused individuals who hail from a poor background do not receive adequate or timely legal representation. On the other hand, accused persons who are wealthy, enlist the services of highly proficient advocates, who outsmart relatively less experienced public prosecutors. Thus,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments Essay - 4

Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments seriously undervalue the benefits that globalisation has delivered for all countries 01296 - Essay Example In this paper, role of anti-globalisation arguments in undervaluing benefits of globalisation has been critically assessed to determine its validity. According to different scholars, no specific definition of globalisation exists and consequently the debates initiates at this very point. However, in common language, globalisation can be defined as integration of several national markets into one common global forum where national boundaries are largely diminished (Das, 2010). It is an intensification of interconnectivity and movement of trade, finance, human and non-human resources, culture and investment (Robertson, 1992). According to studies, economic globalisation can be considered as the most influential force that has shaped the globe since the wars (Das, 2010; Huwart and Verdier, 2013). Over the time, globalisation became one of the drivers of structural changes with respect to global, regional and national economies. It is also referred to as a powerful transformative force on the face of world economy (Amin, 2004; Das, 2010). It was observed that globalisation has resulted in significant rise in value as well as volume of international trade in goods and services along with expansion in long and short periodic flow of capital (Amin, 2004; Huwart and Verdier, 2013). It was also gathered that liberalisation as a part of globalisation movement cause trade and financial integration and raised economic growth rate and earning rate. As the worldwide economic integration progressed and intensified, it caused increase in efficiency of various tangible and intangible resources and utilisation of inputs (Das, 2010). According to studies in 2007, the volume of goods and services in global multilateral trade was equivalent to $16.9 trillion and it was about 34 percent of total global gross domestic product (Huwart and Verdier, 2013). In the same year, private

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community Health Nursing Essay Example for Free

Community Health Nursing Essay Healthy People provide a 10-year national objective for improving the health of Americans. It has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaborations across the country, empowering individuals toward making knowledgeable health decisions, and measuring the impact of prevention activities. The vision is for a society in which all people live long and healthy lives. Objectives new to Healthy People 2020 are related to policies targeting young children through physical activity in childcare settings, television viewing and computer usage, recess and physical education in the Nation’s public and private elementary schools. Physical activity is important as it can improve health and quality of life for all, including those with disabilities. Increased physical activity in children and adolescents can improve bone health, cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, decrease levels of body fat and reduce symptoms of depression. There is an epidemic of obesity among our children today, this is linked to the over use of computer games and television. Healthy People 2020 have set an objective that sets limits to screen time. It was rather interesting to me that the pediatrician informed me that my infant, now a toddler should not be watching television at all as recommended by the Journal of Pediatrics. As mentioned in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, there is a dangerous link found between childhood obesity and asthma (Rance, O’Laughlen, 2011). A common assumption is that weight gain occurs because many asthmatic patients avoid exercise since physical activity can trigger their symptoms, though many contributing factors coexist (Rance, et. al., 2011). Interesting enough there has been a suggestion that overweight/obesity as a risk factor for developing asthma (Papoutsaakis, Priftis, Drakouli , Prifti, Konstantaki, Chondronikola, Matziou, 2013). As  an adolescent I was diagnosed with having chronic asthma, as I was extremely active and not an overweight child. Physical activity was a normal part of my daily afterschool routine, I ran track, was a member of the swim team and was on the cheerleading squad. So having asthma one should not exclude physical activity from their life as it helps to prevent obesity and other ailments. A study illustrated that children were more adept at identifying healthy foods and explaining their benefits than identifying activities that make their bodies healthy (Lanigan, 2011). This study also discovered that the media was the primary source of children’s health knowledge. Parents need to become more involved and lead by example as it pertains to the health and welfare of their children. This is why I often volunteer for the various optimist clubs in the community, sharing information on the importance of staying active, hydrated and eating a well balanced diet. I keep my kids in extracurricular activities such as sports, promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Early-learning professionals and parents need to play a more prominent role in teaching children about the benefits of healthy eating and activity (Lanigan, 2011). There has been a correlation between paternal influences on children’s weight gain, as a review demonstrated fathers who were overweight viewed themselves and their offspring as normal weight (Fraser, Skouteris, McCabe, Ricciardelli, Milgrom, Baur, 2011). The children in this study were more likely to eat fast food, eat at fast pace, eat when bored and were less likely to eat dinner together as a family (Fraser, et al., 2011). As it was hard to discern whether these behaviors are a result of children modeling behaviors displayed by their fathers’, although the heavier the fathers were the greater the number of hours their children spent in sedentary activities such as watching television and usin g the computer (Fraser, et al., 2011). One strategy not mentioned in Healthy People 2020 is mandating parent involvement and modeling, which I consider first line of defense for prevention of childhood obesity and related disease. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), builds on and strengthens the foundation for prevention and wellness established by Healthy People, the nation’s health promotion and disease prevention aspirations for a healthier nation (Fielding, Teutsch, Koh, 2012). The Guide to Community Preventive Services recommends making physical activity the easy choice by creating in our communities accessible parks and  recreation; encouraging the social norm of walking, bicycling, and climbing stairs where these activities can reasonably substitute for driving and riding elevators or escalators; and placing greater emphasis on mass transit and mixed residential and commercial development to encourage greater spatial integration of places where people live, work and shop (Fielding, et al., 2012). In conclusion, community based childhood obesity prevention programs with a school component focusing on both diet and physical activity is more effective at preventing obesity and overweight (Bleich, Segal, Wu, Wilson, Wang, 2013). As previously mentioned one strategy not mentioned in Healthy People 2020 is mandating parent involvement and modeling, which I consider first line of defense for prevention of childhood obesity and related disease. References Bleich, S. N., Segal, J., Wu, Y., Wilson, R., Wang, Y. (2013). Systematic review of community-based childhood obesity prevention studies. Pediatrics, 132(1), e201-e210. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-0886 Fielding, J. E., Teutsch, S., Koh, H. (2012). Health reform and healthy people initiative. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 30-33. doi:102105/AJPH.2011.300312 Fraser, J., Skouteris, H., McCabe, M., Ricciardelli, L. A., Milgrom, J., Baur, L. A. (2011). Paternal influences on children’s weight gain: a system review. Fathering, 9(3), 252-267. doi:10.3149/fth.0903.252 Lanigan, J. D. (2011). The substance and sources of young children’s healthy eating and physical activity knowledge: implications for obesity prevention efforts. Child: Care, Health Development, 37(3), 368-376. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2010.01191.x Papoutsaakis, C., Priftis, K. N., Drakouli, M., Prifti, S., Konstantaki, E., Chondronikola, M., Matziou, V. (2013). Childhood overweight/obesity and asthma: is there a link? a system review of recent epidemiologic evidence. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(1), 77-105. doi10.1016/j.jand.2012.08.025 Rance, K., O’Laughlen, M. (2011). Obesity and asthma: a dangerous link in children: an integrative review of the literature. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 7(4), 287-292. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2010.06.011

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Are all managers Human Resource managers

Are all managers Human Resource managers Executive Summary The report discusses the various aspects in relation to the question posed for the assignment All managers are HR managers, agree or disagree? The report is placed in relation to the questions raised for and against the topic, and my thoughts on the question. The report is structured in the form of my quest to answer the questions raised with regard to the topic. The fundamental theories concerning the topic provide some light for the discussion, followed by examination of the current trends in organisations. The other aspects discussed in the paper relate to the managers implementation of HR practices and its relation on employee performance, and thereby the productivity of the organisation. The effects of poor implementation of the HR practices are highlighted to comprehend all the facets of the discussion. The conclusions are based on the aspects from the points of discussion and its relation to the effectiveness of HR implementation by managers. The references which were vital to the development of the paper are included in order to substantiate research done related to the topic. Introduction Are all managers HR managers Agree or disagree? As I read the question for the assignment, I had mixed answers running in my head. Understanding human resources in the literal sense would refer to employees of the organisation, and there would be a person responsible for any particular section of employees, known as the manager. In this view, managers related directly with the employees, and so they needed to be HR managers. However, the Human Resources Department wherever I worked always seemed to be busy as they dealt with all levels of the organisation, be it employees, managers, stakeholders or government, and their paperwork (or rather e-work) seemed unending. If all managers were HR managers, why would there be a necessity of a HR department? Would it mean that all functions done by the Human Resources personnel were done by the managers themselves? Would that be feasible? Would that not restrict the day-to-day operations carried out by the manager? If all managers were not HR managers, would all issues relating to the employees be raised to the HR department? Since managers, in most cases, have a direct relationship with their employees, would they not have to deal with all concerns related to their human resources i.e. employees? What would organisations that do not have an elaborate HR department do? With relation to agreeing or disagreeing with the question for the assignment, the numerous questions for and against it, left me confused. So it was necessary to understand the fundamentals of the keywords managers and HR, given by various scholars in order to take a stand for the topic. Fundamental Views Management Managers Management, according to Henri Fayol (1949) consists of seven functions such as planning, organising, leading, co-ordinating, controlling, staffing and motivating within an organisation in order to accomplish the established goals of the organisation. Figure 1 Manager Roles (Mintzberg 1975) From among these, the four main managerial functions are described as planning, organising, leading and controlling. (Simmering 2010) Figure 2 Functions of Managers (Overton 2007) A manager is an individual with formal authority to make decisions and carry out the four managerial functions in order to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. Within most organisations, there are three levels of management namely top level, middle level and first/line level managers (Management Study Guide 2009). At each management level, managers require certain skills necessary for successful management. Robert Katz identified three skills namely technical, conceptual and human skills that vary as per the management level. (Katz 1974) Conceptual skills refer to the formulation of ideas. Technical skills involve the technique knowledge and proficiency. Human skills refer to the ability to interact and communicate with people effectively. (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor 2008) Figure 3 Management Skills (Overton 2007) Interestingly from the figure above, although technical and conceptual skills vary greatly, human skills remain rather consistent throughout the various levels. Considering that human resources would relate only to the manager-employee interface, it could be then inferred that all managers are HR managers. However, understanding HR functions would be necessary to make the conclusion to the question. Human Resource Definition Functions Human Resource (HR) refers to consideration of employee as the most valuable assets or resources of the organisation. The inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the aptitudes and talents of the people employed in the organisation could be referred to as the human resources of the organisation. (Aswathappa 2008) The strategic and coherent approach to the management of these assets in order to achieve individual behaviour and performance that would enhance the organisations effectiveness is termed as Human Resource Management (HRM).(Oxford University Press, Ed. Jonathan Law. 2009 ) The functions of HRM are broadly classified into two categories namely managerial and operative functions. Managerial functions include planning, directing, organising and controlling while operative functions are related to recruitment, compensation, employee relations and development. (Hales 2005) The vast scope and functions of HR brought doubts about it being incorporated with the operational activities of managers especially line managers. For the purpose of this paper, general managers and deputy managers have been defined as strategic level managers whilst first-line level managers encompass supervisors and departmental heads. Figure 4 HR Functions Current trends Contrary to the traditional views of management, current trends indicate devolution of the HR into line management. (Gratton, et al. 1999) Restructuring the organisational hierarchy to flatter systems within the organisation has arguably contributed to the convergence of HRM and managerial practices. (Whittaker and Marchington 2003) With the global economic crisis, downsizing has become the trend or the need of times, where even HR departments were dissolved as a whole; this would substantiate Whittakers and Marchingtons (2003) finding that HR took second place in comparison to other business sectors of sales and marketing and finance. The introduction of flatter organisations resulting from heavy job-losses could be traced back to the early 80s of Hewlett-Packard. There was an intensification of managerial responsibilities and predominantly people management claimed most of the efforts of the managers. (McGovern, et al. 1997) In the current scenario, the increasing de-layered organisations (Torrington, Hall and Taylor 2004) would overly emphasize the necessity of all managers to integrate the HR functions of recruitment, training, monitor performance and provide appropriate appraisals. (Marcic and Daft 2008) Line managers and Direct interface Theoretically, managers may not be able to incorporate all the functions of HR but line managers have always been the direct control over the human resources under their responsibility. The flatter organisations have not diminished the human skills required as seen in Figure 3, but on the contrary are a necessity to engage in good people practices, which is as important as implementing personnel policies. (Lowe J 1992) The direct relationship of the line managers with the employees favour the implementation of the HR practices by the managers themselves rather than other personnel. (Sisson and Storey 2000) Research conducted by Bath University for CIPD (2009) found that line managers played a pivotal role in implementing HR practices and policies. People management practices such as induction, training, performance appraisal, employee communication; work-life balance and employee recognition were exercised significantly by the line managers. As discussed in the research, the people management processes can be designed by the HR personnel, but would be implemented most effectively by the managers. (Hutchinson and Purcell 2003) In order to assess the immediate effectiveness of the HRM, scholars such as Dyer and Reeves (1995) and Becker et al. (1997) suggested monitoring of employee performance which would be the factor affected directly. Performance and HR In an ultra-competitive marketplace, it would be necessary to maintain a productive and competitive workforce to achieve organisational success. Successful organisations are reliant on managers competence to attain and maintain high levels of individual job performance. (Hosie 2009) Employee performance is maximized through motivation which would be associated with the manager. According to Dyer and Reeves (1995) rigorous selection mechanisms and ample training opportunities along with incentives such as peer pressure to perform, monetary and non-monetary rewards increase employee motivation. Commitment is another factor that would boost employee performance. Organisational commitment is highly dependant on employee assessment of the level of support from the management. (Sharkie 2009) Managers in IBM are expected to be responsible to the development and satisfaction of employees. Surveys, career planning, performance appraisal and compensation utilized by line managers encourage employee commitment to the organisation. (Marcic and Daft 2008) Effective implementation of HR practices in organisations such as in IBM, would lead to greater employee motivation. As discussed by Gillespie and Mann (2004), that the trust subordinates place in the leader is directly proportional to motivation that would lead to better employee performance. Consequences of ineffective application of HR In the decentralisation of HR processes, line managers are often tasked with responsibilities of setting the agenda, dealing with workplace issues and providing direction to employees. As discussed by McGuire, et al. (2006), a conflict between the organisational and individual values of the manager, could lead to a trust deficit between the employees and the manager. (Renwick 2003) Decreased workplace happiness would lead to diminished employee performance, which would cost the organisation heavily in both productivity as well as having to pay higher compensation and insurance claims for the health conditions of employees. (Lyubomirsky, King and Diener 2005) (Hosie 2009) The negative effects of poorly applied HRM practices accentuate the requirement for greater knowledge in HR practices for all managers. It would be possible to design programmes for managers that would enhance the understanding of HR, such as Esprit employed within Hilton (UK) Hotels. However, the two main barriers line managers faced while incorporating their HR role were heavy workloads and short-term job pressures. (Watson, Maxwell and Farquharson 2007) These add to the findings of Renwick (2003) relating to the constraints for managers in effective management of HR such as lack of time, lack of ability or knowledge in HR practices, and distractions from general managerial operations. Other than improper implementation of HRM practices and its complications within the organisation, Earnshaw et al. (2000) found that without HR expertise even large organisations could face legal challenges. This would emphasize the necessity of efficient HR systems and constant guidance by HR specialists. Considering the various factors, as suggested by Jackson and Schuler (2000) a partnership approach through a triad approach of HR specialists, managers and employees would allow effective integration of HR activities into the work of line managers. However, if line managers and HR are to work in partnership to improve organisational performance, a minimum number of experienced HR specialists would be required. (Ulrich 1998) Conclusion The discussions throughout the paper have led to a few conclusions. The functions of HR and managers are not entirely different from each other, but noted by Aswathappa (2008), HR is a managerial function with assists managers with hiring, motivating and maintaining employees within the organisation. Line managers implement most of these HR roles as they are in direct contact with the human resources of the organisation. Effective HR implementation would lead to greater employee motivation and thereby productivity. However, lack of understanding and poor execution of HR practices could cost organisations heavily ranging from employee productivity to legal action. According to Dave Ulrich (1996), HRM encompasses the roles of being an employee champion, administrative agent, a strategic business partner and assisting in change management. HR departments in most organisations are concerned with the former two roles, and in which case, one could conclude that all managers are HR managers. However considering the complete scope and roles of HR, it would not be apt to agree that all managers are HR managers. It could be then, concluded that all managers exercise HR functions irrespective of their department and level considering the high level of human relations. It would be extremely important that they have adequate knowledge in handling HR in order to become effective managers and achieve maximum productivity, which is essential for all organisations across varying industries. HR professionals would have to assist and guide line managers consistently in achieving the strategic goals of the organisation. Effective coaching to line managers on HR practices and policies would allow HR professionals to take on the vital roles of being a strategic business partner and play an effective role in change management. (Gaskell 2007)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mechanism and Optimization of Melphalan

Mechanism and Optimization of Melphalan Melphalan Introduction Cancer in general is referred to body cells that grows rapidly and over the limit of normal cells (Hayflick limit). There’s over 200 different types of cancer, where some cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body leading to further complications. It’s one of the biggest leading cause of death worldwide. Therefore interest in finding treatment and prevention for this disease has been growing. One of the most successful chemotherapy drugs is Melphalan. It’s been over 50 years in use and there’s an increase in research to improve this drug. It’s indicated for different type of cancer: for the analgesic treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) and for the alleviation of unresectable epithelial tumor of the ovary. It has also been used alone or in combination with other chemotherapy drugs for relief treatment of locally repeated or unresectable in-transit metastatic melanoma of the extremities. It’s also used in addition to other drugs or surge ry in breast cancer. Mechanism of action Melphalan belong to a class of chemotherapy drugs called nitrogen mustardalkylating agents. It’s the oldest class of anticancer drugs still frequently used. It’s a bifunctional alkylating agent which means it has two sites where the reactivity occurs. It displaces the chloride ion by amine nitrogen to form a cyclic amine ion (aziridinium ring) by intramolecular nucleophilic attack. Afterwards the DNA nucleophile undergoes a nucleophilic attack and opens the azidrine ring, which leads to the alkylation of DNA. The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen in the drug will then be regenerated when the azidine ring cleaves. The same reactions happen on the second reactive site of the drug, by displacing the second chloride ion. (picture) This will lead to cross-linked DNA molecules through covalent bonds. The covalent bonds can be made in two different ways: either on the same DNA strand which will alter the shape permanently prevents other enzymes or molecules from binding t o it, or on adjacent strand therefore preventing replication/transcription process. (picture) The reaction happens in the N7-site of guanine, which is the most preferred nuclei acid. However the reaction can also take place at the N3-site of adenine. The alkylation of the nucleotide leads to miscoding of DNA as for example Thymine will bind to guanine instead cytosine. Due to the p-orbital of the benzene ring in melphalan that draws the lone pair electrons from nitrogen, this leads to reduction of reactivity to form the azirdine, hence only strong nucleophiles such as guanine will react with it. This has the benefit of reducing the side reactions with water, tissue and blood, leading to the drug can be given orally. The side chain of Melphalan is L-phenylalanine, meaning it has a component that act as the amino acid phenylalanine. (picture) Consequently the drug is most likely to be recognised as an amino acid, and it will be taken into the cell by transporter protein. This increase s the stability of the drug further. Optimization of Melphalan Despite Melphalan being used as an anticancer drug for over 50 years, it’s associated with many complications including poor solubility in water, variable bioavailability and rapid hydrolysis at physiological pH (11-14) which also increase the bioavailability problem. Another major problem is its rapid clearance from the blood circulation due to its short half-life (90 min). A study conducted in USA to tackle these difficulties by adding a poly ethylene glycol (PEG) to the Mel, in order to enhance the formulation of parental and oral administration. PEG is a synthetic polymer which is water soluble and non-ionic. It is an amphipilic polymer meaning it has an exceptional capacity to be soluble in both aqueous and organic solvents. This property makes it ideal for chemical conjugate of substance that has a biological effect. Another advantage of using PEG is it has exceptionally low level of antigenicity and immunogenicity. The process of conjugation is called PEGylation. Itâ₠¬â„¢s a two-step process where in the first step the activation and derivatization of PEG occurs with appropriate functional groups. In step two the conjugation of the activated PEG with Mel occurs. The NH2 group in melphalan undergoes a nucleophilic reaction with mPEG-succinimidyl propionate (mPEG-SPA) under the presence of DMAP catalyst. This reaction produces an amide bond, which is reasonably stable. The mPEG-SPA gets hydrolysed to mPEG and N-hydroxysuccinimide. Fig x. The study conjugated two molecular weight (MW) PEG: 2000 and 5000 Da. Variable test were conducted to measure the difference between the two different MW PEG conjugates and the parent drug Melphalan. The aqueous solubility of the conjugated Melphalan was measured by dissolution test, the results are shown in table 1. The table shows there is an increase in aqueous solubility of MpPEG-2000 by nearly 80 times reading as 7.2 ±0.12  µg/ml and increased by approximately 123 times for MpPEG-5000 reading as 11.07 ±0.8  µg/ml, compared to the measured solubility of the parental Melphalan of 0.09  µg/ml. This results can be explained due to the PEG chain being attached to the drug. On the other hand the haemolytic activity of melphalan versus its conjugates was also determined by assessing the haemoglobin content. The melphalan haemolytic activity was measured to 100% above the concentration 3.5  µg/ml (table 2). With regards to MpPEG-5000 only 48.8 ±1.5% haemolysis observed at concentration of 32  µg/ml (table 3). In case of MpPEG-2000 the highest percentage of haemolysis of 81.3 ±0.5% was recorded at concentration of 32  µg/ml (table 4). The lower haemolytic activity of the conjugates compared to melphalan might be due to the dominated property of polymeric carrier PEG. These results is an indication that the chain length of PEG plays an important role on the haemolytic activity. The property of delaying haemolysis is better in MpPEG-5000 compared to MpPEG-2000 even at higher concentrations. It also has an effect on the aqueous solubility due to the longer the chain the more hydrophilic backbone of PEG will be present. The percentage cumulative hydrolysis of the conjugates was observed in case of MpPEG-2000 to be 10.11 ±0.68 after 6 hours, whereas for MpPEG-5000 was only 5.21 ±1.2% after the same time (table 5). The low cumulative hydrolysis detected in MpPEG-5000 may be understood due to the ester linkage being protected by the PEG molecule du e to the steric hindrance. Furthermore the amide bond is more protected in MpPEG-5000 compared to MpPEG-2000 due to the shielding effect of the larger chain of PEG. Therefore the MpPEG-5000 can be an ideal candidate to provide a slow release drug formulation. Thus, increase the half-life of the drug and decrease the clearance. Clinical trials Conclusion This drug adds a small group, an alkyl group to the DNA to alter its structure and hence modifies the function. It’s an alkylating agent which means it adds an alkyl group to DNA. The alkyl group may be transferred as an alkylcarbocation, afree radical, acarbanionor acarbene(or their equivalents). Nitrogen mustards (NMs) form cyclic aminium ions (aziridinium rings) by intramolecular displacement of the chloride by the amine nitrogen. This aziridinium group then alkylates DNA once it is attacked by the N-7 nucleophilic center on the guanine base. A second attack after the displacement of the second chlorine forms the second alkylation step that results in the formation of interstrand cross-links (ICLs) as it was shown in the early 1960s. At that time it was proposed that the ICLs were formed between N-7 atom of guanine residue in a 5’-d(GC) sequence.[15][16] These kinds of lesions are effective at forcing the cell to undergo apoptosis via p53, a protein which scans the genome for defects. Note that the alkylating damage itself is not cytotoxic and does not directly cause cell death. For the analgesic treatment of multiple myeloma and for the palliation of non-resectable epithelial carcinoma of the ovary. Has also been used alone or as part of various chemotherapeutic regimens as an addition to surgery in the treatment of breast cancer, alone or in combination regimens for palliative treatment of locally recurrent or unresectable in-transit metastatic melanoma of the extremities, as well as for the treatment of amyloidosis with prednisone. Bifunctional alkylating agents (e.g., nitrogen mustards (melphalan, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, and ifosfamide) and chloroethylnitrosoureas (BCNU and CCNU)) possess two reactive sites. These agents cross-link DNA with proteins or, alternatively, cross-link two DNA bases within the same DNA strand (intrastrand cross-links) or on opposite DNA strands (ICLs). ICLs, which block replication forks, are the most serious cytotoxic lesions produced by most bifunctional drugs. Accordingly, the extent of ICLs correlates well with the cytotoxicity of nitrogen mustard drugs

Toys :: essays research papers

Toys"R"Us INTRODUCTION In this assignment I have chosen to focus on explaining what kind of company Toys"R"Us is, giving a brief, short summary of the firms history, their corporate responsibilities, what their competitive advantages are and how they implement their strategies through retailing and merchandise. I also found it relevant to explain the market situation in the toy-industry and what the trends are, for understanding what other difficulties that are important to consider in order to survive. SHORT HISTORY In 1948, a company which totally dedicated themselves to children and their needs, was formed by Charles Lazarus in Washington DC. This was a perfect timing in relation to the post-war baby boom period, the demand for accessories for children was high, and the main purpose for the company was to carry furniture for babies. After some time, he heard customers saying phrases like "I need a toy for my baby", so he began selling toys aswell. Mr.Lanzarus tried to give his customers what they wanted he understood early that this was the best way to keep his customers. In 1957, he opened his first toy supermarket, and with specialized retailing and the off-price positioning, he revolutionized the concepts in the pre-mall and discount days. After this success, he sold his business to Interstate, which later went bankrupt. Mr.Lazarus rejoined the company and made it profitable, and in 1978 it became a public company; Toys"R"Us,Inc. DIVISION OF THE COMPANY Today, Toys"R"Us is a $11 billion dollar company and they have over 1500 stores over the whole world. The company is divided into six different divisions: Toys"R"Us US Strongly focuses on strengthening the shopping experience by providing better service and better merchandise. There are around 680 locations of Toys R Us in the US. Toys"R"Us International Is licensed, franchised and operated through over 570 locations in 29 countries outside the US Kids"R"Us Consists of more than 375 locations where children ´s clothing and toys are all under one roof, and oughts to offer all of the latest fashions and of course high quality merchandise. Imaginarium Developed in alliance with in order to offer an online shopping service. Babies"R"Us Offers everything parents need for their babies, like furniture, bedding, car seats etc. All products can be purchased under one roof By organizing their organization into these different divisions, it gives them a competitive advantage because it makes it easier to focus in the certain areas. These divisions are very different from each other, and needs specialization in all the different aspects.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Dreamers of The Glass Menagerie :: Glass Menagerie essays

The Dreamers of The Glass Menagerie "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Williams shows the struggle of two people to fit into society, Tom and Laura, and how society wouldn't accept them. They were the dreamers that were unjustly kept out and you may even go as far as to say persecuted into staying out and aloof like the other dreamers which are forced to become outcasts and not contribute to the actions of all. Tom and Laura, the two dreamers, were pushed by their mom, Amanda, to her frame of mind and the thoughts of a hard working society. They both stumbled on the fire escape which served as a gateway, physically and mentally. Tom had the problem of fitting in at the warehouse were he worked, because is the warehouse really a place for someone like him and his mind rebelled. Lastly you can see how society forced them to change and Laura to lose her status in order to fit in with Jim and that's shown by the horn breaking. Tom then realizes that and leaves which causes him to change too. Tennessee Williams artfully depicted this. The fire escape. A downtrodden red thing off the sides of buildings showing societies ineffectual escape from itself. In this case it served as a passageway between the real world and the dream one that Laura and Tom were living in at home. Both somehow stumbled both physically and mentally. When Laura said â€Å"I'm all right. I slipped but I'm all right†(47). She was trying to pass to the real world to do a real job and couldn't because of societies â€Å"inability† to accept her and her ways. She wasn't strong enough to make the trip by herself, but needed the moral support of the other dreamer in the area, which was Tom who came running out. Tom is the one who stumbles mentally in his inability to look at the escape, which would be his way out of the place. He was always losing his strength while out there smoking and looking out into the world. Recognizing the sounds and trying to connect but unable to. He was forced away and unable to bring up the strength inside himself to go out and leave and to stay strong as a dreamer. Forced by society to use it as a gateway instead of just keeping it the same and just a mode of transportation to go down. Every night you hear Tom say, "I'm going to the movies" (42). He uses that as an escape of the imagination which is what made him a dreamer.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Examining Musculoskeletal Injuries Health And Social Care Essay

Fractures or ligament hurts frequently require immobilisation for effectual healing. Subsequently, uninjured tissues for case ; sinews and joint capsules ( i.e. connective tissue ) undergo unfavorable alterations as a consequence of the forced deficiency of motion ( Loitz et al 1988 ) . As stated by ( Houglum 2005 ) â€Å" Mobility of the musculoskeletal system is determined by the composing of connective tissue and the orientation of assorted soft tissue constructions † . Connective tissue refers to clamber, facia, sinews, ligaments, joint capsules and musculus facia. Connective tissue can be farther discussed under ; intramuscular connective tissue and periarticular connective tissue. During the procedure of reorganization connective tissue has the inclination to shorten and go thick and fibrotic ( Houglum 2005 ) . ( Walsh et al 1989 ) found that connective tissue, ligaments specifically are influenced biomechanically, biochemically and morphologically by immobilisation. ( Noyes et al 1974 ) indicated that these influences on connective tissue are altered by 4 mechanisms: ( I ) changes in the synthesis and debasement equilibrium of collagen ( two ) alterations in collagen cross links ( three ) fluctuations in H2O and electrolyte content of connective tissue and ( four ) alterations in the alliance, figure and thickness of collagen fibers. Periarticular connective tissue: Composition of two constituents ; cells and extracellular matrix. Matrix is made up of collagen, elastin, reticulin and land substance. ( Donatelli & A ; Owens – Burkhart 1981 ) stated alterations to the construction of connective tissue are straight related to joint stiffness therefore ensuing in restricted motion. He besides noted the importance of collagen within connective tissue, making greater tensile strength and stabilisation through increased fiber binding. The mechanical strength of collagen is due to hydroxylation of lysine to hydroxylysine which histories for the increased fiber binding ( i.e. the cross – links of next collagen fibers ) . As these fibers mature the intra and intermolecular bonds ( cross – links ) rise in figure therefore supplying greater strength to the fibers. Within land substance glycoaminoglycans ( GAG ) binds with H2O making a semi fluid syrupy gel within which the collagen and fibrocytes are emb edded. The lubricator maintains a distance between the fibers, thereby allowing free glide of the fibers past each other and forestalling inordinate cross – linking ( Donatelli & A ; Owens – Burkhart 1981 ) . Land substance in connective tissue comes manus in manus with collagen with regard functional ability. ( Minns et al 1973 ) tested the importance of land substance in CT, through the usage of chelating agents and enzymes, what they found was a important lessening in stiffness, strength and other clip dependent belongingss in its absence. With immobilisation the production and lysis of collagen additions, it is besides believed that the loss of extensibility is non due to the volume of collagen deposited but from the country it is deposited it from ( Lederman ) . Furthermore a loss of GAG and H2O in the land substance consequences in fading of the extracellular matrix this cause ‘s less separation and more cross – nexus formation between collagen fiber s ( Woo et al 1981 ) . Post hurt, freshly formed fibrin and collagen fibers organize in a disorganised manner when immobilized. This reduces the entire tenseness strength of the tissue. Collagen fibres when aligned along the lines of mechanical emphasis produce their greatest strength. The importance of collagen alliance is apparent in the survey undertaken by ( Noyes et al 1974 ) ; he found a 39 per cent lessening in maximal failure of the anterior cruciate ligament in archpriest ‘s station 8 hebdomads immobilisation. Intramuscular connective tissue: Normally composes of epimysium, perimysium and endomysium. These connective tissues play a large function towards the snap of skeletal musculus as the non – contractile constituent. The extra binding of connective tissue to muscle cells preserves its dependability during contraction while guaranting close contact between the blood capillaries and nervousnesss within the skeletal musculus ( Jarvinen 2002 ) . Jozsa and co-workers found with immobilisation the degrees of endomysium and perimysium within the intramuscular connective tissue increased ensuing in separation of single musculus fibers, along with reduced degrees of blood capillaries and transverse sectional country of musculus fibers ( Jozsa et al 1988 ) . These connective tissues bind to muscle cells and conserves its unity during contraction and embracings blood capillaries and nervousnesss within the skeletal musculus to maintain them close attachment with each other. The accretion of endomysial and perimysial connective tissue may lend to the damage of intramuscular blood circulation, and the lessening in Numberss of capillaries may, in bend, lead to an addition in the sum of connective tissue, get downing a barbarous circle. These pronounced changes in the distribution, administration and architecture of the intramuscular collagen may eventually take to macroscopic loss of musculus extensibility and other tensile belongingss ( Jarvinen 1976, 1977 ) . Joint Immobilization: One of the chief utilizations of manual therapy is to bring forth elongation of the CT constructions that are abnormally keeping arthrokinematic gesture, through physiologic motions or accoutrement motions ( Maitland 2005 ) . Accessary motions ( joint drama and constituent of gesture ) are a type of inactive exercisings designed to re-establish joint drama through arthrokinematic gesture of ; axial rotation, slide, spin compaction and distraction. It ‘s highlighted that â€Å" joint drama † is indispensable for the return of normal joint map ( Mennell, 1964 ) . The strength of the mobilisation techniques with rhythmic oscillatory motions normally is categorized harmonizing to the 5-grade categorization system of Maitland ( Vermeulen et al 2006 ) . In conformity with the 5 – class system grade I and II performed toward the induction of accessible arthokinematic ROM intend to chiefly cut down degrees of hurting exposing analgetic effects, but non to stretch CT. ( 11 7 Kisner 25, 34 ) . While classs III and IV are chiefly employed as stretching tactics at terminal of available arthrokinematic ROM. Intending to stretch CT ( Threlkeld 1992 ) . Connective tissues have viscoelastic belongingss whereby distortion of its fibers consequences from a burden at changing rates, the elastic belongingss produce station mobilization kick with no alteration in length and the plastic belongingss result in lasting elongation ( Basmajian & A ; Nyberg 1993 ) , expressed through the emphasis – strain curve as seen in figure 1. ( Threlkeld 1992 ) found it was through fictile distortion that the resting length of CT changed. However, this is merely possible due to microfailure of separate collagen fibres i.e. CT harm must happen through breakage of links linking bordering connective tissue packages so these broken fibers will non factor in the kick of the tissue therefore making a new length of the CT. Mobilization techniques that stretch collagen construction s into their fictile scope of distortion addition ‘s the tissue ‘s mobility ( Maitland 1991 ) . Owing to the amplitudes of classs III and IV within the restricting ROM sufficient mechanical alteration is at manus to work the viscoelasticity belongingss of CT to incite lasting elongation, diagrammatically seen in Figure 2. ( Randell et al 1992 ) investigated grip and semivowel techniques on the joint stiffness of 18 topics post 2 hebdomads immobilisation of metacarpal breaks. This intervention resulted in a ample addition in active ROM and lessening in joint stiffness compared to the control group supplying grounds of the effectivity of joint mobilisation in changing mechanics of an immobilized articulation. A 2nd survey undertaken by ( Landrum et al 2008 ) used a grade III oscillation motion in the betterment of ankle dorsiflexion in an AP way, which resulted in a ample recovery in ROM. Inactive Stretching: ( Kisner & A ; Colby 2005 ) attest that non-contractile soft tissues are known to give more readily to a low strength, continuously applied stretch force, as used in inactive stretch. Low strength stretching consequences in optimum rates of betterment in ROM without exposing tissues, perchance weakened by immobilisation, to inordinate tonss of potentially hurt. Inactive stretching is performed by puting musculuss at their greatest possible length and keeping that place for a period of clip ( Anderson & A ; Burke 1991 ) . Inactive stretching is applied to re-establish tissue snap and decrease the strain in the muscle-tendon unit with joint gesture. There are two physical belongingss associated with musculus tissue that have an influence on the musculus sinew unit, they are creep and stress relaxation. ( figure 3. ) , ( Cross & A ; Worrell 1999 ) During weirdo, the sustained prolongation of the tissue under uninterrupted burden means that reorientation of collagen fibers ‘ and re distribution of H2O due to increasing overall strain in CT can originate, determined by the strain energy exposed to CT ( Purslow et al 1997 ) . This is typically low magnitudes within the elastic scope. Stress relaxation operates while the musculus – sinew unit is put under stretch at a kept up length, following weirdo, a lessening in force to keep the length and decrease in tissue tenseness is observed. Harmonizing to ( Kisner & A ; Colby 2007 ) the recovery versus lasting elongation depends on the force and clip of the distortion ( plastic ) phase in the emphasis – strain curve. Study undertaken by ( Talyor et al 1990 ) found through insistent stretching of musculus – tendon units of the extensor digitorum longus in coneies to a uninterrupted length well lowered peak inactive tenseness. He advances this farther, proposing that stretching reduced the â€Å" viscousness and/or stiffness of musculus sinews units † , holding a considerable affect in increasing of articulation ROM. In relation to hysteresis, it is believed to be a strong arrow of viscousness nowadays in tissue therefore ; low degrees of hysteresis station inactive stretching can bespeak a diminution in viscousness. ( Kubo et al 2001 ) besides provided grounds that inactive stretching for 10 proceedingss significantly decreased the stiffness and hysteresis of tendon constructions in median gastrocnemius musculus. Compare and Contrast of Techniques: Both therapies have associated outcome steps yet their application, effects, and force applied to connective tissue varies when bring oning these favorable result steps. With regard the application of joint mobilisations, surveies differ somewhat with regard to the length of clip the oscillatory motions are applied, ( Randall et al 1992 ) intervention dosage comprised of two sets of 20 oscillations, at a rate of 1 oscillation per sec with a interruption of 30 seconds between each set. Relation to inactive stretching ( Bandy et al 1997 ) stated for effectual additions in flexibleness determined by increased articulatio genus extension ROM one must execute inactive stretches for 30 or 60 seconds one or three times per twenty-four hours for 5 yearss per hebdomad. High buoy uping the fact that joint mobilisation seem to be more practical and less clip devouring than its opposite number. Decision: In decision there is still no consensus sing which therapy is the most successful for handling alterations to connective tissue and decreased ROM of articulations post immobilisation. Nevertheless through the literature research grounds has shown that low and high class articulation mobilizations in isolation and in concurrence with other interventions i.e. inactive stretching are efficient in cut downing hurting in patients and increasing joint scope of gesture with joint immobilisation. Role of Radiographer:

Baring Bank Case Essay

The F every last(predicate)(prenominal) of sanngs sank The story of Barings Bank shows how overconfidence, united with poor internal control, can sluice bring down an historic pecuniary institution. Below we provide a a couple of(prenominal) teaching points. knap Leeson seemed to bugger off all the characteristics of an overconfident bargainr. As described in the chapter, excessive art, lack of diversification, and in any fount such(prenominal) risk were obviously present. Self-attri saveion bias seemed to symbolise a major role. One reviewer notes that Leeson got overconfident after initial switchs were palmy and when he started to lose capital, got way too aggressive trying to make it up. When Leeson was asked or so his actions, he explained that l was determined to encourage back the losses I was comfortably down, but increasingly sure that my two-base hit up and doubling up would endure off , thereby overestimating his abilities by persuasion he could outp erform the market until now up after severe losses. A case study into the affair concluded that it was overconfidence that led Nick Leeson to bet his reputation. But, as Saul Hansell of The New York Times stated, It isnt Just rogue traders loose annons reaching internal rules on trading desks who have destroyed their investors wealth.Money managers who play by the rules can get caught up short, too, when they pass along to overconfidence about their mastery of the markets. He further wrote that, It is no secret that traders, as a class, are a young, separatist and cocky bunch. The sheer size of the money they are Juggling can fall toa master-of-the- universe attitude. The Fall of Barings sank Barings Bank was founded in 1762 as the John and Francis Baring fellowship by Sir Francis Baring.This affirm was the oldest merchant bank in London, financed the Napoleonic Wars, and was the Queen of Englands own bank. In 1996, one man, Nick Leeson, managed to bring down Barings Bank, one of the oldest and intimately conservative financial institutions in the world, with his illicit trading activity. In 1989, Leeson fall in Barings Bank. After being transferred to Jakarta, Indonesia to sort with a back-office mess involving EIOO one thousand thousand of look at certificates, Leeson solidified his reputation within Barings when he successfully rectified the situation in 0 months.Lesson also k new-fashioned how to account for derivatives, even if he did not fully derive the complexities of their pricing. Therefore, in 1992, when Barings opened a new office in Singapore to trade on the expanding Singapore Mercantile win over (SIMEX), Leeson became an obvious candidate to manage it. elderberry bush management at Barings Bank simulated that Leeson would turn the Singapore office into a highly profitable endeavor and thence gave him extensive responsibility. As eliminated the necessary checks and balances usually found within trading rganizations. before lon g he was Barings Banks star Singapore trader, rescue in substantial win from trading on the Singapore exchange. By 1993, Leeson had make more than Elo million, about 10% of Baringss total profit for that year. In 1994, he delivered over half of the E52. 9 million in revenue for his division on his own, making many proclaim him as the miracle worker. In his autobiography Rogue Trader, Leeson utter the culture at Barings was simple We were all driven to make profits, profits, and more profits I was the rising star. Aided by his lack of upervision, the 28-year-old Nick Lesson promptly started unlicenced speculation in futures on the Nikkei 225 computer storage index and Japanese government bonds. SIMEX regulators were awake of Leesons cross-trading activities, and his breach of their exchange regulations, but did not act decisively to get him. Leesons large trading volumes were rapidly becoming important for the exchange, and being a lightly regulated market was primeval to S IMEXs strategy to woo trade from neighboring Osaka. Using futures contracts, Leeson speculated that the Nikkei would rise.